best sleeping position for acid reflux

Best Sleeping Position for Acid Reflux

The search for the best sleeping position for acid reflux started partly due to the large number of Americans affected.  Over 60 million people struggle with the disease, and almost half of those battle symptoms daily.  Untreated acid reflux can lead to dangerous conditions so getting a handle on the symptoms is crucial.  Fortunately there has been a lot of research done to find the best sleeping position for acid reflux sufferers.  There are also some other ways to cut back on daytime and nighttime heartburn.  Combining the best sleeping position for acid reflux with these other tricks can help reduce reflux symptoms.

The Negative Effects of Acid Reflux on Sleep

Not only can symptoms be reduced by using the best sleeping position for acid reflux, some sleep issues can too.  That’s because the burning sensation and heartburn symptoms disrupt normal sleep patterns.  This may lead to insomnia or result in daytime exhaustion.  Coughing or choking can be experienced.   The scarring of the esophagus can reduce its width and provide a sleep apnea outcome.  Sleep apnea may reduce oxygen in the blood and cause damage to vital organs.  According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute complications can include heart attack, stroke and cancer.


What is the Best Sleeping Position for Acid Reflux Exactly?

With the importance of the best sleeping position for acid reflux established, let’s get right into what it is.  Sleeping turned to the left side with the upper body elevated is the best sleeping position for acid reflux.  If you sleep on your left side or sleep with your head elevated, you are at reduced risk of experiencing GERD symptoms.  However, studies have concluded that these two aspects work together to lower the risk of nighttime heartburn further. For a good night’s sleep, try elevating up to 8” and sleeping facing left.  Accomplish an incline using a bed frame with elevation feature or stacked pillows.


Why is this the Best Sleeping Position for Acid Reflux?

Sleeping flat is not part of the best sleeping position for acid reflux.  That’s because when you lie flat, stomach contents are more likely to travel upward through the digestive track.  In the flat position body weight puts pressure on the abdomen.  This, in turn, puts pressure on the stomach causing acid in the stomach to move up.  Sleeping on the right side is also not a part of the best sleeping position for acid reflux.  That’s due to how gravity causes prolonged exposure during episodes when sleeping on the right.  It takes longer for esophageal acid clearance on the right side according to a study published by the American Journal of Gastroenterology.


Use These Nighttime Tricks with Best Position for Acid Reflux

There are a few other tips to incorporate with the best sleeping position for acid reflux.  First, be sure to avoid wearing clothing to bed that is tight fitting at the waist.  Tight clothes can squeeze stomach contents and increase the likelihood of nighttime symptoms.  Another tip is to avoid eating prior to going to sleep.  An empty stomach at night is better.  If you have to eat, eat a smaller portion and aim to eat a few hours prior to bedtime.


Things to Do During the Day

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a medical condition so it is imperative that you talk to your doctor.  Complications of GERD can be deadly and include esophageal cancer, peptic ulcers, as well as an erosive or ulcerated esophagus.  Your doctor may suggest medications or have advice on how you can manage the disease and its symptoms. Some widely recognized ways to reduce acid reflux issues include:

  • Lose weight.
  • Avoid specific food triggers.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Chew gum.
  • Don’t lie down or exercise after eating.


Acid Reflux and Pregnancy

Around 25% of pregnant women experience the joys of acid reflux at some point during pregnancy.  While this type of reflux may be temporary, the symptoms are real.  The good news is that most pregnant women can also use the best sleeping position for acid reflux.  It may be a good defense since many medications aren’t safe during pregnancy.  Pregnant women who suffer from acid reflux should contact their physician for the best course of action.