organic latex mattress

Organic Latex Mattress-The True Organic Latex Mattress!!

Quick Navigation Organic Mattress Test Best Organic Mattress Certification Organic Bedding Q & A Organic Latex Mattress What is a True Organic Latex Mattress? If purchasing a true organic latex mattress is important to you, you may need to learn more about certifications.  There’s a lot of misinformation about labeling and certifications out there.  It doesn’t help the situation when sales people further muddy the water with smooth talking and pushy behavior.  At Rest Right Mattress, we want to make it easy and clear what you are getting.  That’s because we offer a truly organic latex mattress.  There’s no need for tricks.  If you want an organic latex mattress, you… Read More Continue Reading
acid reflux mattress foundation

Acid Reflux Mattress Foundation-Elevation is a Must for GERD and it stock!

Acid Reflux Mattress Foundation The Need for Acid Reflux Mattress Foundation People who suffer from acid reflux or GERD may benefit from an acid reflux mattress foundation.  Acid reflux is the term used for instances where acidic gastric fluid comes back up into the esophagus.  GERD stands for Gastro esophageal reflux disease, a term coined basically as a more chronic version of acid reflux.  Both can cause painful symptoms which can escalate into more serious conditions.  An acid reflux mattress foundation can help by allowing gravity to work in a way that promotes relief.   Are There Acid Reflux Mattress Foundations? The answer to this question is a resounding yes! … Read More

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adjustable bed mattress

Adjustable Bed Mattress-What Works and What Does Not!

Adjustable Bed Mattress What type of mattress will work with adjustable bed? When searching for an adjustable bed mattress, it is important to choose the right type.  Some types of mattress will not work with an adjustable bed.  Some will work, but not well.  There are also some things to consider outside of mattress type as you narrow down the options.  For example mattress thickness will affect ease of use and comfort as well.  The four types of mattress that may work as an adjustable bed mattress include latex, memory foam, hybrid and air.   Memory Foam Mattress Memory foam can be a good option for an adjustable bed mattress. … Read More

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Do Latex Mattresses Sleep Hot

Do Latex Mattresses Sleep Hot? Explained From The Experts!

Do Latex Mattresses Sleep Hot? Do latex mattresses sleep hot when compared to other types of mattresses?  That depends on many factors.  The temperature at which mattresses sleep is dependent on a combination of several details.  Only one of which is addressed by the primary material makeup of the mattress.  Even when generalizing latex mattresses there are a couple things to consider.  The sleeping temperature will fluctuate based on whether it is a natural latex mattress or made of synthetic latex.  For those who sleep hot and want a mattress that will help, natural latex may help.   Why Latex Is Not So Hot? Comparing mattresses, you might ponder for… Read More

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health benefits of latex mattress

Health Benefits of Latex Mattress-Things You Should Consider!

Health Benefits of Latex Mattress Health benefits of latex mattress sleep can be reason enough for some people to sleep on them.  Many health-related issues can be improved by the simple act of sleeping on these mattresses regularly.  A natural latex mattress is different than a synthetic latex mattress.  Synthetic latex is formed using petrochemicals.  This usage makes them offer fewer benefits than a natural or organic latex mattress.  Gravity places demands on your body that can lead to pain while injuries may occur and intensify that pain.  The health benefits of latex mattress can tackle this pain, toxicity, respiratory conditions and more. Shop 100% Latex Mattresses and Shop Reverie… Read More

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