Leggett and platt 500 series adjustable bed

Leggett and Platt 500 Series Adjustable Bed-Know the Truth

Leggett and  Platt 500 Series Adjustable Bed IS THE LEGGETT AND PLATT 500 SERIES ADJUSTABLE BED THE SAME AS THE S-CAPE 2.0 FURNITURE STYLE? THE ANSWER IS YES! It has basically the same features and by the same company. It is just renamed different. Intro Take a look at the Leggett and Platt 500 series adjustable bed and Leggett & Platt S-Cape 2.0 Furniture Style side by side.  You might be surprised at how similar they are in every way besides price.  Both have the same Leggett & Platt features.  The Leggett and Platt 500 series adjustable bed comes with Wallhugger technology, the patented MicroHook system, and integrated safety features. … Read More

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