What causes night sweats in men

What Causes Night Sweats in Men?

Don’t assume you know what causes night sweats in men.  This can be one of many symptoms involved in a larger, more serious condition.  In fact, what causes night sweats in men can be a number of issues.  It is important that you take note of any other symptoms you may have and discuss with a medical professional.  It takes a trained physician with good overview of your total health, to diagnose.  This is the right person to determine what causes night sweats in men in your particular situation.


What Causes Night Sweats in Men Isn’t Always Serious

There can be benign reasons for what causes night sweats in men.  For example, high levels of anxiety or stress can produce this symptom.  Coincidentally, these can also lead to nightmares which sometimes causes sweating as well.  Certain foods and medications can increase the chances of night sweats too.  It might not be something to worry about.  However, the best person to make this conclusion is a doctor or medical specialist.  After evaluating any other symptoms that you present, your medical practitioner will decide if further testing is needed.


But Sometimes What Causes Night Sweats in Men Is

What causes night sweats in men can be an underlying condition.  There are so many diseases and disorders that result in symptoms which include night sweats.  Leukemia, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Tuberculosis, Familial Dysautonomia, autoimmune and anxiety disorders, as well as HIV are just a few.  Obstructive sleep apnea can also be a cause.  Due to the seriousness of many possible underlying causes, it is crucial to seek medical advice on this matter.  Many times, the earlier a condition is diagnosed, the better the prognosis.

Could Hormones be What Causes Night Sweats in Men?

Yes, hormone disorders could be the culprit.  Testosterone levels may drop as men age.  Injury, infection and diseases can also cause a lower than normal testosterone level.  This can lead to multiple symptoms including decreased energy, lowered libido, and hot flashes.  Hypothyroidism, one very common reason for hormone imbalance, affects over 3 million people in the United States each year.  Hormone levels can easily be checked by the use of blood tests.  Now, treating low testosterone or other imbalances with replacement therapy can have less than desirable side effects and risks.  Also, if the problem is a result of a more serious medical issue, there may be different treatment necessary.

Is there Any Scientific Proof of What Causes Night Sweats in Men?

There was a systematic review of research and literature on the topic of night sweats conducted in 2012.  It was published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine.  This review concluded that evidence-based clinical causes had not yet been established.  Much of what we know about night sweats themselves is based around possible causes and treatments of those causes.  For night sweats caused by immune response to cancer, the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies has good news.  In a recent experiment, published in March 2018, it was determined that acupuncture could have a “favorable effect” on some forms of night sweating.


What Other Treatments are Available for Nights Sweats in Men?

Recommended treatments will vary depending on what causes night sweats in men.  A doctor’s treatment will be based on the specific medical conditions are at the root of the issue.  Hormone replacement therapy, medications for a bacterial infection or methods to regulate blood sugar could each be a treatment.  What causes night sweats in men must be determined first to allow for proper corrective care.  It is important that if you experience night sweats you observe and record any other symptoms that may be related.  Then provide this information to your medical provider upon your visit.