What is a Split Queen Box Spring and the Options?

split queen box spring


What is a Split Queen Box Spring?

A split queen box spring is a box spring with two halves that are pushed and fused to account for the total size of the mattress. The primary use of a box spring is to help with the height when one is getting in and out of bed. The box spring also acts as a support to the mattress if there is no solid foundation underneath.

The split box springs are of different heights, hence various benefits and dependent on an individual’s preference. This is ideal for couples who want to find the perfect balance. It allows each person to adjust their side to suit their needs.

The box spring protects the mattress from the impact of the base foundation. Therefore, the mattress lasts longer while performing the desired need.


The Size of the Split Queen Box Spring

A split queen box spring consists of two box springs placed next to each other to create a surface area of a queen size bed. The divided queen measures 30 inches wide by 80 inches long. Therefore the total width and length are 60 inches by 80 inches.


There are Different Heights of Split Queen Box Spring

The split queen box spring varies in height and ranges from 3 to 7 inches. The 3 inches is the low profile, while the 7 inches is the standard box.

The low-profile box spring is about half the height of a standard box. This is preferred when someone wants to add some height – but not too much- to your bed and is best for people with thicker mattresses. The following are the benefits of a low-profile box;

Weight – A low-profile box spring is lightweight making it easier to move around.

Aesthetics – the sleek and low profile is the epitome of modern style. They are not noticeable, so there is no worry about covering them.

Reduced height – if the mattress is high, the better option is a low profile. Short people mainly prefer this because they are closer to the floor and do not have to invest in a ladder.

Low maintenance – a low profile is a perfect option for someone who moves a lot and can be easily stored in a tiny space.


A standard profile is a common choice for extra height and support underneath the mattress. They are tall and heavy and typically consist of springs and grids made from heavy material. The following are some of the benefits;

Height – standard profile is ideal for adding height to the mattress and making it further of the floor.

Support – they are known for their incredible overall support. It is ideal if someone has back pain or wants to feel more supported through the night.

Mattress protection – the standard box offers protection to the mattress by absorbing the impact from the body weight.

Opportunity for under-the-bed storage – with great height comes extra room for storing items by slipping seamlessly under the bed.

Airflow – the box spring provides adequate airflow and keeps the mattress cooler. This is effective for people who get hot at night.

Therefore, the height of the box spring depends on an individual’s preference. Before deciding, measure the height of the mattress and box split foundation to get a proper ideal size for the box spring. Additionally, the height of an individual and the budget should be in consideration.


Why Would You Need a Split Queen Box Spring Over a Single Queen?

A split queen and a single queen have the same durability and function and certainly have the same size. They also fit on the same standard queen bed frames. The halves of a split queen make it easier to move around the narrow hallway or corners, unlike the single queen, which is heavy and cumbersome.

The split queen offers extra durability with the lightness of the separate pieces. This ensures that it is moved in and out of the space without hurting the back. The cost of buying a split queen box spring is less expensive than a single queen. Additionally, the cost of shipping a split queen is less because it is lighter than the single one.

The split queen box spring is ideal for people sleeping together but have different bedding needs and can different mattresses for each side, such as, split queen mattresses to sleep separately. It is also helpful when many guests need to sleep separately. However, there is also  split queen adjustable beds  that are paired with split queen mattresses too.

Overall, the most important thing is finding a good box spring that will work and fulfill your needs. The modern split box spring is an easier way to use, unlike the traditional single box spring. In conclusion, before buying a split box spring there are factors that should be considered like the height according to a person’s preference.