Adjustable Beds for Snoring

adjustable beds with anti snore

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What is Anti-Snore on an Adjustable Bed?

Anti–snore is a built–in feature that works well to ease or stop snoring. There are many adjustable beds, but few beds have an anti-snoring feature. The feature works well by pressing the snore button, which has been preset, or the snoring detection app. Once it is triggered, the adjustable bed will slightly elevate the upper portion of the bed.

According to some research, it is about 50% of adults snore. Therefore if one sleeper is in bed with a snorer, it is so hard to sleep, so an adjustable bed that helps with snoring will be efficient in this case to help both people sleep comfortably.

The small movements can open up partially restricted airways when the bed rises approximately 7 degrees


Below is a Our Video Showing How the Anti-Snore on an Adjustable Bed Works


Types of Adjustable Bed Snoring Devices

There are a few different anti-snore features on adjustable beds. However, all adjustable beds do not come with the anti-snore feature. It is important to know the specifications of the adjustable bed. The specifications will say if the adjustable bed will have an anti-snoring feature. The following are some of the snoring devices found in beds;


Anti-Snore: This is a preset feature on the remote and is activated at the touch of a button, and it adjusts the adjustable bed 7 degrees high. The inclination helps the air flow; in return, the snoring eases or stops.

  • Adjustable beds with this feature: there are many beds with this option. Before buying the bed, check the specification for beds with the anti-snore preset. The Malouf S755, Glideaway motion 600, and Reverie R650 adjustable bed are examples of the beds. The beds have a remote, and the anti-snore positions are pre-programmed. One must press the button to change it if one needs to adjust.


Anti-Snore App Detection:  The anti-snore app detection will detect snoring while sleeping through the Malouf app. The app is rare in many adjustable beds but is found in a few with their app. The app detects snoring and immediately raises the head of the bed in the anti-snore position.

  • Adjustable beds with this feature: the Malouf S755 and Malouf M555 have app detection. The Malouf app can be downloaded on the phone, so the bed is adjusted using your phone. The app can also automatically activate anti-snore at a certain time. This helps people who are constantly snoring.

what is anti snore on an adjustable bed

Who Would Need an Adjustable Bed for Snoring?

Snoring is the hoarse or harsh voice that occurs when the air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat that are partially obstructed while sleeping. Various problems obstruct airflow;

  • Old age
  • Sleeping position
  • Nasal problems
  • Overweight
  • High blood pressure
  • Pregnancy

Snoring over a period can have some bad effects, like exhaustion, heart conditions, high blood pressure, and stroke. For couples, it may be hard to sleep because of the snoring of others. Therefore, an adjustable bed with an anti-snore feature is a good option for reducing or stopping snoring.

An adjustable bed ergonomically reclines to open airways for better breathing. It mainly works with a mattress designed to contour the body’s sleeping position. Therefore anyone affected by snoring should get an adjustable bed for the following benefits;

  • Relieves pressure on the throat
  • Improve sleeping position
  • Provides relaxation
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Reduces the use of more pillows


Frequently Asked Questions


Are there adjustable beds for people that snore?

There are adjustable beds that are designed for people that snore. The adjustable bed is made with a feature that helps people snore, like the anti–snore preset or anti–snore app detection. There are no adjustable beds that are made specifically for snorers. The feature is activated with a touch of a button.


Is there a bed that automatically adjusts when you snore?

Some beds automatically adjust when someone snores. There are the Malouf S755 and the Malouf M555. This bed type automatically adjusts when snoring is detected through the anti–snore detection app.


How high is the adjustable bed anti–snore feature?

The latest technology on the bed allows inclining the head about 7 degrees to adjust the position and reduce snoring. The inclination height may vary depending on the manufacturer, but 7 degrees is the average height.