how to set an adjustable bed to zero gravity

Zero Gravity Beds in Stock-Learn How to Program and Set

Quick Navigation Science Behind Zero Gravity Benefits of Zero Gravity How to Set Pre-set Zero Gravity How to Set None Pre-set Zero Gravity Beds with Zero Gravity Position Zero Gravity Beds  (Click to see Zero Gravity Beds) How to Set an Adjustable Bed to Zero Gravity Integrated in your bed or not, you can learn how to set adjustable bed to Zero-Gravity.  Unfortunately, not all adjustable beds have the comfortable position. When an adjustable bed comes with Zero G, the position is easier to achieve.   That doesn’t mean you can’t get close if you opted for an adjustable base that didn’t have the feature.  It just means it will be… Read More Continue Reading
do you really need a mattress protector

Do You Really Need a Mattress Protector?

Quick Navigation Purpose of a Mattress Protector Benefits of a Mattress Protector Tips for Using a Mattress Protector Mattress Cover vs Mattress Protector Mattress Pad vs Mattress Protector Best Mattress Protector for Bedwetting and Spills Mattress Protector Checklist Do You Really Need a Mattress Protector? The mattress protector was designed and developed to provide a mattress with damage protection.  Mattresses can vary in cost, but they are almost always a lofty investment.  Not only does a mattress protector protect the mattress, in many ways it also protects the user.  Mattress protectors are relatively inexpensive; cheaper than mattress pads or mattress toppers.  Generally, a mattress protector is lightweight.  The primary benefits… Read More Continue Reading
mattress disposal

State by State Mattress Disposal Options and Regulations

Quick Navigation Mattress Disposal State Regulations on Mattress Disposal Reuse and Recycle vs. Mattress Disposal Nonprofit and Mattress Disposal Recoup Cost Give Mattress Away Mattress Disposal Resource by State General Mattress Disposal  There are many options for mattress disposal when upgrading or replacing an old bed.  Why the new mattress is purchased might impact which mattress disposal method is appropriate.  For example, if the mattress still has some good useful life in it, you might consider using it in a guest room.  Mattresses like these can also be donated or sold.  When the old mattress has seen its last days of service, often the best avenue of mattress disposal involves… Read More Continue Reading
anxiety and sleep deprivation

Anxiety and Sleep Deprivation-Tips and Tricks

Quick Navigation Anxiety and Sleep Deprivation Tip #1 Increase Activity Levels Tip #2 Practice Good Sleep Hygiene Tip #3 Skip Caffeine and Alcohol Tip #4 Think Positive Tip #5 Distract Anxiety   Anxiety and Sleep Deprivation If you are experiencing anxiety and sleep deprivation, you are not alone.  Anxiety and sleep deprivation often occur simultaneously.  Sometimes anxiety increases sleeplessness.  Insomnia – or lack of sleep - can also lead to anxiety.  So, ultimately if you have one, the other may not be far behind.  The Journal of Psychiatric Research concluded after studying nearly 15,000 subjects that anxiety and sleep deprivation are closely related.  Sometimes the anxiety came first, other times… Read More Continue Reading
what causes night sweats in men

What Causes Night Sweats in Men? Examples and Alternatives

Quick Navigation Intro Night Sweats in Men Common Causes of Night Sweats Scientific Proof of What Causes Night Sweats in Men Other Treatments for Mens What Causes Night Sweats in Men? Don’t assume you know what causes night sweats in men.  This can be one of many symptoms involved in a larger, more serious condition.  In fact, what causes night sweats in men can be a number of issues.  It is important that you take note of any other symptoms you may have and discuss with a medical professional.  It takes a trained physician with good overview of your total health, to diagnose.  This is the right person to determine… Read More Continue Reading