Is Sleep Deprivation Contributing to My Aging Effects?

Is Sleep Deprivation Contributing to My Aging Effects?  As we get older, the last thing we want to do is contribute to the aging effects on our skin, bodies, and faces. After years of running around rampantly, raising children, sustaining a career, and doing it all with a smile on our faces, the effects can physically take a toll in our presentation. There are simply not enough hours in the day to get everything done, which leaves us cutting into our nightly rest as the answer. We go to bed later, wake up earlier, and make sure everything gets crossed off that list. But, what if you knew that just… Read More

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4 Tips for Staying Rested Through the Holidays

4 Tips for Staying Rested Through the Holidays  Everyone knows the holiday paradoxical conundrum: it’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but in reality, it’s also the most stressful time of the year. Between running around to accommodate for guests, spending thousands on presents and gifts, and looking ahead to make sure it all happens according to plan, many adults are stressed out during the month of December. We have a few tips for providing yourself with restful and predictable schedules each day in December to ensure you stay happy and healthy into the New Year. SLEEP Be honest, probably the first thing that hits the… Read More

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How to Quiet Your RLS for a Good Night’s Sleep

How to quiet your RLS for a good night’s sleep  Are you someone who suffers from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)? The rampant, uncomfortable sensation in one’s legs can make it incredibly difficult to lie down and fall asleep. For some, it’s manifested as a shaking, irritating feeling. For others, it comes in waves of aches and pains, making calm, soothing sleep something of a dream. Fortunately, there are several ways to stop RLS from interfering with a good night’s rest. 1.Pain Relievers Though this shouldn’t be a permanent fix, medications like ibuprofen and nonprescription pain relievers can alleviate the aching and throbbing sensation in your legs. This alleviation helps people… Read More

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The Anti Snoring Device That Can Help You

The Anti Snoring Device Are you a snorer? We have the cure.  Millions of Americans every single night go to bed and snore all night long, irritating their nasal passages, throats, and inevitably their bed partners. Snoring interrupts REM sleep, and frequently wakes the snorer up due to a lack of oxygen entering the lungs. People of all heights and weight types can snore. It’s a simple phenomenon of air flowing through the nose causing the nasal and throat tissues to vibrate. So you’re a snorer, that’s ok. We have the cure. Adjustable beds can make a world of difference if you have moderate or severe snoring and sleeping problems.… Read More

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Sleep and Muscle Gains

Sleep – the ultimate muscle builder  If you’re someone looking to bulk up and get your muscles defined before summer 2017, you may want to look past the gym, weights, and protein shakes, and look right to your bedroom. Sleep is one of the most important components to building sustainable muscle and enduring long spells of exercise. Missing out on sleep means you have less energy to use at the gym during your workouts – which means less miles, sets, reps – you get the picture. A lack of sleep can even increase the likelihood of injury, too. Damaging your muscles and ligaments puts a permanent halt on those gym… Read More

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