do adjustable beds help snoring

Do Adjustable Beds Help Snoring? Guide and Dangers of Snoring

Quick Navigation Do Adjustable Beds Help Snoring? How Adjustable Beds Help Snoring? Do Adjustable Beds Help Snoring with Sleep Apnea? Can Adjustable Beds Supplement CPAP Machines? Dangers of Snoring Do Adjustable Beds Help Snoring? Many people ask the question, do adjustable beds help snoring?  To help clarify the answer, we have put together some information on the topic.  Adjustable beds help snoring in many ways.  In fact, they help with all sorts of sleep issues.  Adjustable bed manufacturers even design beds with anti-snoring positions built into the remote control!  There are so many health benefits of using an adjustable bed.  That, and the unparalleled comfort and conveniences they boast, is… Read More Continue Reading

Alcohol and Sleep-The Effects on both Men and Women

Quick Navigation Alcohol and Sleep Quality Alcohol and Sleep Initiation Sleep Without Alcohol Interference Alcohol and Sleep Cycle Architecture Effects of Alcohol and Sleep Alcohol & Sleep Disruptions Tied Together Breathing Problems with Alcohol & Sleep Affects of Daytime Performance Different Impacts on Men Vs. Women Alcohol and Sleep Alcohol and Sleep Quality It has been long recognized that alcohol and sleep quality are connected.  On one hand, drinking can produce a euphoric feeling thanks to the release of endorphins.  On the other hand, there are several more brain chemicals impacted by having a few drinks.  One of these chemicals is melatonin.  Normally, this plays a role in cueing your… Read More Continue Reading
what stage of sleep do you dream

What Stage of Sleep Do You Dream?

Quick Navigation Dreams & Hypnogogic Hallucinations The Stage You Dream the Most Why are Dreams Important? REM Sleep Behavior Disorder & Lucid Dreams What Stage of Sleep Do You Dream? A good amount of activity happens as you sleep, commonly people ask what stage of sleep do you dream?  The answer is that you actually can dream in each of the stages of sleep.  However, most dreaming occurs in the fifth stage, REM.  There have been a couple different studies in which subjects were awakened during different stages to examine dream-related activity.  Data published in Sleep and Hypnosis, a scientific journal, confirmed that dreams can occur in non-REM sleep.  This… Read More Continue Reading
healthiest sleep position

Healthiest Sleep Position-For Sleep Posture, Back Pain, Heartburn, and Pregnancy

Quick Navigation Which Sleeping Position is the Right Position Healthiest Position for Back Pain & Sleep Posture Healthiest for Position for Heartburn & Digestion Healthiest Sleep Position for Pregnancy Healthiest Sleep Position In order to maximize good health, you may want to select the healthiest sleep position.  This is just small aspect that can affect illness and injury.  The ways in which the healthiest sleep position can help is mostly preventative. Proactively seeking the healthiest sleep position is one of many tasks on the journey to a healthy lifestyle.  To maximize the benefits, maintain proper diet and exercise regularly.  Also capitalize on good sleep practices.  That means more than simply… Read More Continue Reading
benefits of waking up early

Benefits of Waking Up Early-Family, Career, and Scientific Facts

Quick Navigation Health Benefits of Waking Up Early Career Benefits of Waking Up Early Family benefits of Waking Up Early Transiting to Wake Up Early Scientific Facts of Waking Up Early Benefits of Waking Up Early The benefits of waking up early are many. This simple practice can translate into more productivity, better sleep and an overall healthier lifestyle. Achieving the benefits of waking up early might make you a better student, employee and/or parent. A good deal of scientific and academic research has been conducted on the topic. These studies have concluded that there are potentially multiple benefits of waking up early. Health Benefits of Waking Up Early Probably… Read More Continue Reading