Factors to Consider When Selecting a Mattress Size

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Mattress Size A lot of thought goes into the purchase of a mattress. Are you someone with back problems? Do you need an adjustable frame? Are you someone who has sleeping problems? After considering the answers to these questions, people often leave the most important one for last: what size mattress do you want? There’s a huge size difference between a Twin and a King-sized bed. Here are a few factors to definitely consider before selecting a mattress size: Who’s sleeping on it? If this is a mattress for you and your spouse, you’re going to want to consider a bigger size, probably in… Read More

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3 Reasons Why Mattress Protectors are a Bedroom Necessity

Many people put a ton of time and energy into the creation of the perfect bedroom bed. They go out and buy fluffy pillows, Egyptian cotton sheets, and matching blankets to give their bed that perfect nighttime aesthetic. One problem is that in the midst of buying all of these bedroom accessories, most couples forget to buy the mattress protector along with it. A mattress protector is a critical purchase for keeping the expensive mattress investment safe, clean, and allergen-free. Here are 3 reasons why mattress protectors are a bedroom necessity: Spills Sure, when you first buy your bed set, you make a promise to yourself that you’ll never eat… Read More

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The best New Year’s Resolution of all: sleep more

There isn’t a single person out there today that doesn’t struggle with the constant battle between staying up later and sleeping more. Sleep is definitely the first thing that is compromised when a day gets busier. It’s tossed out the window the second a friend suggests grabbing some drinks on a weeknight at 9PM. We forget how integral sleep is to our homeostasis, productivity, and sanity every single day. To live a truly fit and healthy life, you need to focus on exercise, diet, and sleep this year. Sleep benefits According to a Gallup poll, close to 40% of adults are not satisfying their required sleep intake each night. The… Read More

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Why You Want an Afternoon Nap

Why you want an afternoon nap  Everyone knows that post-lunch feeling of wanting to just curl up with a warm blanket at work and take a little snooze. They even give workers time off for this sensation in Spain and other Latin American countries. Your “siesta-feeling” is often linked to eating a big lunch, and wanting to doze off while the body digests. What if we told you this phenomenon is actually linked to a biological and cardiac rhythm clock programmed into our bodies? The fluctuation in sleepiness and alertness throughout the day are symptomatic of intricate sleep and wake machinery hard at work in your brain. There are two… Read More

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Win Back Your Sleep

Win Back Your Sleep  Hopefully that was enough proof to have you alert and wanting to do something about your aging effects. It’s time to win back your sleep, and never compromise on those 7-9 hours again. A few tips for doing so: Multi-task when possible. Buy a Bluetooth headset so you can take calls and safely drive Coordinate a carpooling system in the neighborhood. Make a ride-sharing system so you don’t always have to be the one driving your kids around. Give something up. Maybe you don’t absolutely need to have your nails done twice per month. Find a YouTube tutorial video and save the time at home. And… Read More

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