Improve Your Child’s Sleep Routine

Improve Your Child’s Sleep Routine Sleep is important for everyone, but it is especially important for growing kids. The National Sleep Foundation, an organization which focuses on the health aspects of sleep, has outlined the amount of sleep necessary for kids by age. According to the nonprofit, toddlers need anywhere from eleven to fourteen hours sleep per night while a teenager needs between eight and ten. Just as adults can be negatively affected by lack of sleep, kids and teens can be as well. To help your child get enough sleep remove distractions from the room, monitor the temperature of the room, create a dark space for sleeping, turn off… Read More

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Better Looking Skin: Another Reason to Rest Right

Using the best face products on the market, you might not be seeing the best results for your skin and it has little to do with the products themselves. The human body needs sleep. It is during this time that the body's recovery processes take place. While you sleep your skin makes new collagen which makes wrinkles less noticeable. Increasing blood flow to the skin while you sleep aids in a healthy color to the skin and also plays a role in reducing eye puffiness. Getting inadequate sleep works against the body by increasing cortisol hormones, causing stress and inflammation. This inflammation can lead to increases in skin conditions such… Read More Continue Reading

Sufficient Sleep Has Its Benefits

Sleep can affect many aspects of a person’s life. Lack of sleep can leave a person tired, going through waking hours with less focus and less drive. This can impact both professional and personal relationships. Perhaps some of the worse ways people are impacted by insufficient sleep are the health problems that can arise. According to WebMD, there are multiple studies that indicate serious health issues can be linked to insufficient sleep. identifies a few of these problems as things like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Getting sufficient sleep is important for everyone. Avoiding the consequences of poor sleep habits is just one benefit of sleeping enough. There are… Read More

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