Smartphones and Their Effect on Quality Sleep

We’re all addicted to our phones. Chances are, you’re reading this blog right from your mobile device. Smartphones have revolutionized our world, and provide entertaining and engaging content right at our fingertips. It makes it hard to unplug and walk away. The downside of smartphones popularity is that they are directly linked to stimulating poor sleep in users. The basic rules of sleep hygiene recommend avoiding bright lights for 30 minutes prior to bedtime. This rule is becoming pretty hard to follow with smartphones. Most people don’t set theirs down until the second the go to bed. Even worse, 71% of all smartphone users either fall asleep holding their device,… Read More

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6 Ways to Make Yourself a Morning Person

Studies show, according to The Body Clock Guide to Better Health, that only 1 in 10 people is a true morning person. This same study shows, however, that only 2 in 10 people fall into the category of true night owls, while the rest are left floating somewhere in between. Chances are, you fall into the majority category, which means you, too, can become a morning person (even the night owls can as well). Here are 6 ways to make yourself a morning person today: 1. Sleep schedules Our bodies need predictable times to fall asleep every night. If you know you have an early morning coming in a week,… Read More

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Preventing Late-Night Acid Reflux

We’ve all been there (and probably never want to go there again): we decide to eat a late night spicy appetizer before bed, and wake up at 1AM feeling like a fire’s been set in our esophagus. Our bodies were not designed to eat or consume liquid before laying our heads down for a nighttime slumber. As such, there are many ways to prevent acid reflux in the middle of sleep. What is acid reflux? Acid reflux is quite literally the reflux of acid from our stomach up our esophagi. While lying down, gravity is able to assist in helping acid reflux worsen, and can bring the acids right up… Read More

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Prioritize Your Sleep While Traveling

Prioritize Your Sleep While Traveling Close to 10 out of 10 people will agree they never achieve the kind of sleep they do at home when they’re on the road and out traveling. We are creatures of habit, and our bodies get very used to a typical schedule, routine, lighting level, noise level, and mattress experience in our personal bedrooms. Our bodies become expectant of a certain kind of sleeping environment every night, and when we mix it up, poor sleep awaits us on the road. You may be thinking: yes, I totally agree! What should I do to make sleep a better reality for myself on the road? Planes,… Read More

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Sleep: The Best Cure for Depression

Did you know that sleep, or lack thereof it, is medically proven to be linked to clinical depression? Insomnia, an incredibly common disorder in many American adults, is a disorder that prevents predictable, sufficient sleep in individuals every single night. It is most common in older adults, due to physical illness, and women due to their significant hormonal fluctuations throughout their lifetimes. This inability to get to sleep or to maintain sleep throughout the night has been proven to be a key contributing factor to the onset of depression. To make matters worse, this sleepless cycle feeds on itself by providing the person with more time to ponder and worry… Read More

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