best sleeping position with a cough

Best Sleeping Position with a Cough

It can be tough finding the best sleeping position with a cough, but it is not impossible. You owe it to yourself to get a good night’s rest for your body to heal and recover. The coughs can be because of excess mucus and colds or flu produce. When you are in bed, the mucus can reach the back of your throat and trigger “wet coughs” to expel the mucus. Coughs can also be dry. Things can irritate your upper airway and trigger the same cough reflex, but there is no mucus. Dry coughs can be because of viral infections like cold or flu, asthma, GERD, and allergies.

The best sleeping position with a cough depends on the cause. Whether your coughs are wet or dry, the way you sleep can reduce the irritation on your upper airway.


Sleep with an Incline

Irritants like mucus can reach and irritate your throat or upper airway.  Sleeping with an incline can help prevent this. You can use extra pillows to prop yourself a little higher. If you have GERD, sleeping with an incline can also keep your stomach acid down.


Get Steaming

Steam can help moisten your airways and ease irritation. You may take a steamy shower or bath before bed. You can also use a humidifier in the room to moisten the air. This method may not be for you if you have asthma as the steam can worsen your condition. Go easy on the moisture though, since too much can lead to mold growth, and mold can lead to more coughing.


Sleep on Your Side

Sounds simple enough, right? You may already do it in some nights. But there is a different reason why you may prefer to sleep on your side if your coughs are from a cold or flu. Sleeping on your side can help prevent postnasal drip. Postnasal drip gives you that feeling of having to clear your throat. Be careful though, since one side can promote postnasal drip. Check which side is more comfortable.


Avoid Sleeping on Your Stomach

Whether you have coughs or not, sleeping on your stomach is a big no-no. If you have GERD, this sleeping position can make it worse. It can also lead to bad posture since it stresses your back and neck.


Do Not Sleep on Your Desk

Sometimes, you just have those late-night works that take you past midnight. Although that is admirable, it is not healthy. You may doze at your desk. This sleeping position leads to two problems. One: It does not help your cough. Two: It can also lead to stiff necks, bad posture, and poor circulation to your limbs.


Tips to Sleep Better When You Have a Cough

Ready Your Bedsides

Things like a glass of water and cough medicine should be within arm’s length. Prepare them at your bedside for convenience.


Keep Things Clean

Other irritants like dust mites can cause coughs. Keep your bedroom clean to avoid them. Change the sheets. Sweep and vacuum the floor.


Don’t Forget About Sleep Hygiene

Besides physical hygiene, sleep hygiene also plays a big role in restful sleep. Avoid caffeine at least 5 to 6 hours before bed. The same goes for alcohol. Opt for other non-caffeinated and relaxing beverages like herbal teas. Keep the room dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable.

Having a cough is annoying. Having it disturb your sleep is even more so. There are ways to sleeping with a cough too. There is a right sleeping position and habits for you. Find them, and you can rest easy at night and recover from your cough more quickly.