do adjustable beds fit inside a bed frame

Do adjustable beds fit inside a bed frame?

Adjustable beds bring comfort and health benefits to people. This bed type is useful for people who experience pressure points. When it comes to fitting adjustable beds inside a bed frame, there are some factors to consider. First is the type. There are many different types of bed frames which are Platform, Sleigh, Saybeds, and many more. But the main thing to consider is the sizes. The sizes are according to international sleep standards. Most bed frames are up to date with these standard measurements. Here are some common considerations to make sure that the adjustable bed fits inside a bed frame:


How to fit adjustable bed inside a bed frame


A platform bed frame for adjustable beds needs a special frame to fit on a platform bed. This is considered to be a “zero clearance adjustable bed” or a platform adjustable bed. A platform adjustable bed is built to be on a platform bed. This means that the platform adjustable beds will fit on platform bed frames. What makes an adjustable bed a perfect fit is its aesthetic thinness. What should also be noted is that common adjustable beds have no legs. Adjustable beds will also only lay right on top of platform bed slates.


Sleigh beds

There are a few different ways to fit an adjustable bed inside a sleigh bed. Most sleigh beds have slates or a platform where the mattress sits on. The most recommended bed type is a platform adjustable bed to lay on top of the sleigh bed frame. Yet, you will need to take the slats out for the bed to fit inside the frame. On one hand, you can move and position the adjustable bed. But, taking the slats out mean that the bed frame’s legs will show, and some may not prefer this look


Traditional bed frame

A traditional bed frame is the most common bed frame type. For an adjustable bed to fit in a traditional bed frame, you need to remove the box spring. After removing the box spring, you can insert the adjustable bed. Also, since the bed is adjustable, you will be able to alter the height that fits with a traditional bed frame. Other features you can add to your traditional bed frame are a footboard, side rails, and a headboard. Fortunately, most adjustable beds already come with a headboard and headboard brackets. Using them is recommended rather than buying elsewhere.



Adjustable beds are recommended among all types of people who experience exhaustion. The most common concern for buying one is the hassle of buying another bed frame. But, this notion is untrue since adjustable beds fit in nearly all types of bed frames. The best type is a platform bed frame where an adjustable bed will fit. Meanwhile, the Sleigh and Traditional bed frames need minimal alterations for adjustable beds. Some of these alterations are removing the box spring or slats. Buying adjustable beds is truly a comfortable and convenient option.