Should You Use a Pillow with an Adjustable Bed?

The choice of whether to use a pillow with an adjustable bed depends on the user’s preference. It also depends if the bed has a pillow tilt or not. The type of sleeper can be a factor considering pillow tilt. The following explains an adjustable bed with pilot tilt and if one needs a pillow.

adjustable bed with no pillow tilt for pillow

Do you need a pillow with an adjustable bed without a pillow tilt?

An adjustable bed might not require a pillow, even if it does not have a pillow tilt. There are adjustable beds that go vertically when the person is on their back, making pillows irrelevant in some cases. A pillow would be suitable for beds that do not have vertical adjustability so the person can sit. An adjustable bed without pillow tilt may or may not need a pillow. Some adjustable beds go vertically.


Side sleeper:  People that use an adjustable bed for side sleepers usually sleep on a flat surface. They will also use a pillow when sleeping on the side.

Stomach sleeper: Those who sleep on their stomachs do not usually sleep on an incline, so they would not use a pillow. It is because the person sleeping needs the area to be flat so they do not curve the back.

Back sleeper: People sleeping on their backs might prefer using a pillow or not. It depends on the person’s preference and the vertical height of the adjustable bed. It also depends on the person’s activity if they are sleeping or watching television.

adjustable bed with pillow tilt for pillow

What if the adjustable bed has a pillow tilt?

The pillow tilt feature on adjustable beds allows the user to adjust their head as needed. It also for more vertical positioning so users can easily adjust the bed. It depends on the person’s preference, though. Those who sleep on their stomach do not usually want pillows, while those who sleep on their side on a flat surface prefer pillows. It is a preference then for those who sleep on their back.


Side sleeper: People who sleep on adjustable beds with pillow tilt may want pillows because they are sleeping on a flat surface. Fortunately, this allows for proper spine alignment.

Stomach sleeper:  People that sleep on their stomach would not typically use the pillow tilt feature. They also are not likely to use a pillow because of the risk of curving their back during sleep.

Back sleepers: An adjustable bed that has pillow tilt provides better flexibility and options such as having a pillow or not. Considering the pillow tilt adjustable beds have significant vertical heights, they may not come with pillows. However, that depends on the preference of the user.


Adjustable bed pillow tilt explained

Adjustable beds with pillow tilt allow the top to be altered where the pillow is. It is a unique feature that is not present on every adjustable bed. The remote can adjust the pillow tilt on an adjustable bed to raise or lower it according to preference.



Adjustable beds are great for a variety of sleepers. They are preferred by those who sleep on their side or back because of the associated comfort. Some also have pillow tilt features which allow a part of the bed to raise vertically for comfort or better head positioning. It can also be adjusted via remote according to the height the user prefers. The pillow tilt feature may be available with a pillow or not. Adjustable beds with pillow tilt are not the best option for those who sleep on their stomach because of comfort and the risk to their back. Therefore, one does not need a pillow for sleeping on their stomach.