WHAT SIDE TO SLEEP ON FOR ACID REFLUX?what side to sleep on for acid reflux

Acid Reflux: Common Sleeping Positions Statistics

 It is unsurprising to guess that sleeping one’s back is the most common sleeping position. The truth is different though. 16% say they sleep on their back. What’s the majority? Sleeping on one’s side. Nearly 2/3 or 63% of people in the United States sleep on their side. You may also be surprised to know that there are some health benefits to sleeping on your side.


How the Digestion System Works with Sleeping with Acid Reflux

The probability of suffering from acid reflux worsens while lying down and sleeping. First, gravity can’t keep the stomach acid down. Your esophagus and stomach would be lying horizontally. Second, there is decreased swallowing while sleeping. Swallowing digestive remains while sleeping is important during sleep. Yet, that process cannot occur during sleep. Third, during sleep, a person tends to produce less saliva. The longer a person sleeps, the less saliva there will be. Saliva is an important factor when it comes to neutralizing stomach acid.


Benefits Sleeping On Side for Acid Relfux and Digestion System

Few people know about this. You’re in luck because this is what the bulk of the article is about. You may be wondering what digestion has to do with sleeping on your side. The digestion process completes in the small intestine. Part of the final process is waste transfer. The small intestine transfers the waste to the large intestine. The waste goes through the ileocecal valve. This valve is in the lower right abdomen. Thus, when you sleep on your left side, it facilitates this waste transfer. Another benefit is related to how your esophagus and stomach are positioned. When you are upright, your stomach is below your esophagus. When you lie flat, they become aligned. This can mess up the digestion process and can lead to acid reflux.


Best Sleeping Position for Acid Reflux

best sleeping position for acid reflux

You may be experiencing acid reflux while sleeping. If so, then you may also be wondering what side to sleep on for acid reflux. There are reports that sleeping on your left side can help prevent acid reflux. Your esophagus is at the center of your body, but your stomach is curved like a “J”, and most of its volume is on the left side. Thus, the theory is that sleeping on your left side repositions your stomach. Your stomach and its contents becomes slightly  below your esophagus. This position allows gravity to have some effect on your stomach acids and keep them down.


Sleep Position to Avoid When Having Acid Reflux

 Sleeping on Your Back

While sleeping on your back is common, try not to do it completely flat. it will worsen your acid reflux. As you sleep on your back, stomach acid will freely flow into your esophagus. As a result, the symptoms will worsen and frequently appear.


Sleeping on Your Right

If you sleep on your right side, the stomach forms a faucet that leaks stomach acid into your esophagus. Expect the symptoms to include coughing, choking, and regurgitation. These mentioned symptoms can be life-threatening.


Sleeping on Your Stomach

If you want to know what side to sleep on for acid reflux, then sleeping on your stomach is probably the worst. You’re putting much of your weight on your stomach. All that pressure can push acids up your esophagus.


Elevating Bed Matters

An adjustable bed can help people who suffer acid reflux. This adjustable bed can elevate and lay flat. This will help with preventing the drainage of stomach acid. Glideaway is the only adjustable bed with this elevation feature.  It is why this it is the best adjustable bed for acid reflux. This bed is essential especially when 60 million Americans suffer from monthly heartburn. Heartburn occurs as a symptom of acid reflux.



Acid reflux is a serious concern that people deal with especially in America. The symptoms are not only torturous but also life-threatening. Thus, people wonder on what side to sleep on for acid reflux. We have insufficient control over how our digestive systems work during sleep. Thus, the best way we can mitigate acid reflux is by sleeping on our left side. According to research, sleeping on our left side can subdue the symptoms of acid reflux. This is where our product, Glideaway, can help you in getting a comfortable sleep in spite of acid reflux.